The Benefits of Car Advertising

Table of Contents  Introduction What are the different ways to advertise using my car?  Car Magnets Car Decals Vehicle Wraps What are the benefits of car decals? They offer lots of impressions  They are inexpensive  They have tax benefits  They are easy to install and remove  They are durable and long-lasting  They have a professional […]

Ten Tips To Increase Foot Traffic To Your Local Store

Foot traffic: not just the pedestrian equivalent of rush hour, but the presence of customers in and around your business.  Having customers physically in your store is, obviously, key to the success of your business.  Higher foot traffic usually means higher sales.  But what if your business seems to keep getting passed by?  Here are […]

Tips to Effectively Market Your Landscaping Business

No matter where you live there is never a shortage of landscaping businesses. With generally low barriers to entry, it seems everyone has a landscaping business on the side or is the full time owner of a landscaping company. Combine a highly-competitive industry with one that can be extremely seasonal and effectively marketing your landscaping […]

How to Stand Out at the Farmer’s Market

Selling your produce or goods at a farmer’s market is different than selling in other locations or online. Your potential customers have very specific expectations and ideals. Capitalize on those unique characteristics and spend a little bit of extra time to create an image for yourself and your business, and you’ll stand out from the […]

What Coca-Cola’s Logo Teaches Us About Branding

Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands on the planet—surveys consistently find that around 94% of the world’s population recognizes the red-and-white logo. More than one billion bottles of Coke are sold every day, and people claim to prefer the drink over its main competitor, Pepsi. Why the everlasting popularity? While sound business practices […]