Registering a boat is a necessary requirement for operating it legally within a state. Each state has different specifications on what types of boats, watercraft, and vessels need to be registered. We’ve compiled a state-by-state guide on which vessels need to be registered, those that need to display registration numbers, and customizable templates to create registration numbers according to the state requirements. Before we dive into the state-by-state guide, let’s wade through some of the most frequently asked questions concerning boat lettering laws and regulations.
Where do I go to register my boat?
The department where you register your boat depends on the state you register with. Typically, the state departments that handle boat registration include the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Fish and Game, the Department of Licensing, or the Department of Finance. It’s recommended you check with your local government to determine which office to contact in order to register your boat in your state.
What do I need to do to register my boat?
Registering your boat with a state requires you to fill out a registration form and submit either a bill of sale or a boat title to prove ownership. A fee (varies by state) is typically required to register your vessel.
Do boat trailers need to be registered?
Boat trailers do need to be registered with the state. Typically, such registration is separate from registering your boat.
What’s the difference between titling and registering a boat?
Like with a car, there are two parts to registering your boat with the state. A boat title is a declaration of ownership of the vessel, whereas boat registration documents that proof of ownership with the state.
What is a Hull Identification Number (HIN)?
A hull identification number (HIN) is similar to a VIN number on a car, as it is a serial number from the manufacturer that uniquely identifies the boat while allowing the owner or potential buyer to track the history of the vessel. The HIN is permanently attached to the starboard side of the transom.
What is a registration number? What about a registration decal?
A boat registration number acts like a boat’s license plate. Each boat registered in the state is given a registration number to prove that your boat has been legally registered. A registration number allows port and government authorities to identify your vessel while in use. Boat lettering or numbers then need to be displayed on your boat, typically on the front third of the boat.
Registration decals (also known as validation decals) are similar to the registration stickers issued for cars. Registration decals prove that your vessel has been registered for that year. Typically, you will need to apply for new registration decals on a yearly basis. Registration decals are only provided for by the state.
What are the requirements for documenting my boat with the U.S. Coast Guard?
In order to document your boat with the U.S. Coast Guard, the boat must weigh at least five net tons and be owned by a U.S. citizen. Vessels that weigh at least five net tons and are used for commercial fishing or trading purposes MUST be registered with the Coast Guard. More information on documenting with the U.S. Coast Guard can be found on the USCG National Vessel Documentation Center website.
What are the benefits for documenting my boat with the U.S. Coast Guard?
Documenting your boat with the Coast Guard allows your vessel to be recognized internationally as a vessel hailing from the United States. Documenting allows for vessels to do commerce between states and within certain restricted trade areas.
Do I need to document with the U.S. Coast Guard and register my boat with the state I reside in?
This depends on the state you reside in. In some cases, documented vessels do not need to register in a state. If documented vessels do need to register with a state, they are usually not required to display registration numbers. It is recommended that you check with your local state boating agency to determine if registration is necessary for your Coast Guard documented vessel.
Are boat names and hailing ports required for registering my boat?
A boat name and hailing port are only required for vessels documented with the U.S. Coast guard. Such vessels must display the boat name and hailing port (created with boat decals) on a visible area on the exterior portion of the ship in block letters no less than 4” in height.
What are personal watercraft (PWC)? Do they need to be registered?
Personal watercraft (PWC) are typically smaller, one to two person vehicles such as water scooters, jet skis, waverunners, and seadoos. Registration requirements depend on the individual state, but in most cases PWC’s are classified as motorized watercraft and must be registered and display registration numbers.
Can I register my boat in multiple states?
Boats can only be registered in one state at a time. Most states allow vessels registered in another state to operate for a period of 60 consecutive days before having to register with that state.
Is a boat the same as a watercraft? A motorboat? A vessel?
Typically, boat, watercraft, motorboat, and vessel are used interchangeably throughout state law. Specific definitions of these terms are set forth in each state’s statutes or code.
The information collected and provided has been written according to our knowledge about current boat registration laws and requirements and is subject to the laws and regulations of each individual state, county, or city. We are not experts on boat registration laws and, as such, are not held accountable if laws change or the information provided below does not reflect current legislation. We recommend confirming with local government offices and/or law to verify the information found below. Last updated June, 2017.
Click on a state to jump to its section
Alabama boat registration laws are found in § 33-5-9 of the 2016 Alabama Code. Registration numbers are required for all vessels on the waters in Alabama, including sail boats. All other boats that are not powered by motors are exempt from registration laws.
Boats that are registered must display registration numbers on both sides of the bow of the vessel. Numbers are to be displayed in three parts, with a hyphen or space separating each part. Numbers are to be block characters, 3 inches in height or more (excluding borders). Thickness of the characters must be uniform. Slanted characters, scroll and decorative fonts are unacceptable. Registration must have hyphens or spaces between number and lettering groups, as follows:
AL 1234 AB or AL–1234–AB
The validation decal (also known as a registration decal) must be placed within 6 inches and in line with the registration number on either side of the boat.
Vessels that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard do need to be registered with the state, but they do not need to display the registration number on the bow. The validation decal must be placed in a visible location on the vessel in this situation.
Free or paid registration number templates and decorative decals are not provided for by the state. It is important to note that the validation decals are only available from the state after you register your vessel.
We have provided templates below to create registration numbers, boat lettering, and decorative decals (not those required by the state) in accordance with Alabama registration requirements. We have also included a boat name and hailing port template in accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website.
Alaska boat registration laws are found in section 05.25.053 of the 2016 Alaska Statutes. Undocumented boats in Alaska must be registered in the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include non-motorized boats and handmade, non-motorized umiaq boats with a walrus or seal skin covering.
The law explains that:
“A person may not operate a boat on water of the state unless a valid certificate of number has been awarded by the Department of Administration to the boat and the identification number and any required validation decals are properly displayed on the boat.”
The state law does not outline specific requirements for character height or where the registration number is placed on the vessel. It can be assumed that registration numbers must be displayed on the forward end of the bow on both sides of the vessel. Letter and number groupings of the registration number are to have hyphens or spaces between them.
AK 1234 AB or AK–1234–AB
With all boats documented through the U.S. Coast Guard and not the state, the hailing port and boat name must be displayed on the exterior hall in 4-inch lettering. Commercial vessels must display name on port and starboard bow, and stern. Those vessels must also display the hailing port on the stern. The hailing port must include a place and a state, territory, or possession.
The state does not provide free or paid templates or examples for registration numbers. We have included customizable templates below for creating registration numbers that meet Alaska requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering a watercraft can be found on the Alaska DMV website.
Arizona boating registration laws can be found in Title 5-321 of the 2016 Arizona Revised Statutes. As with most states, registration numbers are required for all motorized watercraft. Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard do not need be registered.
The AZ registration numbers must be adhered or displayed on both sides of the forward half of the vessel, reading from left right in block letters that are 3 inches or more in height. Numbers must be visible from 100 feet away during the day. The AZ letters must be separated from the numbers by a space or hyphen. An example of numbering is as follows:
AZ 1234 AB or AZ–1234–AB
Registration decals must be placed in front of the AZ on both sides of the vessel.
The state only provides registration decals, it does not offer free or paid registration numbers to adhere on your vessel. We have provided customizable templates below where you can create registration numbers (we do not provide state-authorized decals).
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Arizona can be found on the Arizona Game and Fish Department website.
Arkansa boating registration laws can be found in § 27-101-301 of the
2015 Arkansa Code. All watercraft must be registered and have the corresponding registration number displayed on both sides of the bow. This includes all boats propelled by a sail or motor.
“The numbers to be procured and attached shall be at least three inches (3”) in height and of block character, and shall be attached to the forward half of each side of the vessel and clearly visible, pursuant to federal law, and attached in such a manner and position on the boat as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission in order that they may be clearly visible.”
Registration numbers marked on the boat must be maintained in a legible condition. Numbers are to be displayed as follows:
AR 1234 AB or AR–1234–AB
Vessels that are already documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must register with the state, but do not need to display registration numbers as long as a hailing port and boat name are displayed.
Registration decals (provided for by the state) must be displayed along with the registration numbers. Free or paid registration numbers are not provided for by the state. We have included customizable templates below according to the Arkansas boat registration requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on Arkansa boating laws can be found on the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration website.
California boating registration laws can be found in Title 13 § 190.00 of the California Code of Regulations. State law explains that all watercraft must be registered with the state. Vessels used on private lakes and waterways must also be registered. Watercraft that are exempt for registering include:
- Vessels that are only propelled with oars or paddles
- Non motorized sailboats less than 8 feet in length
- Surfboards propelled by a sail with a mast held upright by the user
Undocumented vessels must have registration numbers painted permanently on or displayed on both sides (using decals or stickers) of the forward half of the vessel. Undocumented vessels are vessels that are registered through the DMV and do not have a marine certificate issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. Vessels that are registered with the U.S. Coast Guard must display the hailing port and boat name on the vessel.
Click template to begin customizing.
Lettering must be legible and visible with plain, vertical, block characters that are 3 inches in height or bigger and must contrast with the color of the background. Numeral and letter groups are to be separated by hyphens or a space of equal width. For example:
CF 1234 AB or CF–1234–AB
Registration stickers issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles must secured to each side of the vessel 3 inches aft (toward the stern) away from and directly in line with the registration numbers.
Letters, numbers or devices that are not in connection with the issued registration number cannot be placed near the displayed registration numbers on the boat.
The state does not offer free or paid boat lettering templates or decals. We have included customizable templates below for boat lettering and boat decals.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering a boat in California can be found on the California DMV and the California Division of Boating and Waterways websites.
Colorado boat registration laws are set forth in the Colorado Revised Statutes. Section 33-13-103 explains the necessity for vessels to display registration numbers; all vessels with motors and sailboats must be registered and display numbers. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Canoes, kayaks, non-motorized rafts (owner’s name and address must be displayed on these vessels)
- Vessels with a valid marine document issued by the United States
- Vessels registered within another state that have been in Colorado for less than 60 consecutive days
- Vessels from another country that are temporarily using the waters of the state
The state does not outline whether on not vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard need to register with the state.
Vessels that are required to display registration numbers must do so according to the Colorado guidelines.
“The number issued shall be painted on or attached to each side of the bow on the forward half of the vessel or, if there are no such sides, at a corresponding location on both sides of the foredeck of the vessel for which it is issued. The number issued shall read from left to right in block characters of good proportion having a minimum of three inches in height, excluding border or trim, and of a color that contrasts with the color of the background, and so maintained as to be clearly visible and legible (33-13-104).”
Letter and number groupings within registration numbers are to have spaces or hyphens placed between them. For example:
CL 1234 AB or CL–1234–AB
The registration decal (provided for by the state) must be attached to either side of the bow two inches to the left of the the displayed registration number. Free or paid registration numbers are not provided for by the state. We have included customizable registration numbers that are in accordance with Colorado requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration requirements in Colorado can be found on the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website.
The boat registration laws of Connecticut are outlined in Sec. 15-142, and Sec. 15-144 of the Connecticut Revised Statutes. Registration is necessary for all vessels used on the waters within the state, except those that are less than 19 ½ feet in length and not a motorboat, and any vessel that is propelled only by oar or paddle.
Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard do not need to be registered within the state. Such vessels must display a boat name and hailing port on an exterior part of the vessel. We’ve included a customizable template to create a boat name and hailing port in accordance with the USCG regulations.
Click template to begin customizing.
Requirements for numbering height and format are not outlined in the Statutes. It can be assumed that registration numbers must be at least three inches in height and in block characters.
Numbers and registration decals must be visible on both sides of the bow of the vessel. Though not explicitly mentioned in the law, it can be assumed that hyphens or spaces of equal width must be placed between the letter and number groupings of the registration number, as follows:
CT 1234 AB or CT–1234–AB
Registration decals are only available from the state. The state does not provide free or paid templates for registration numbers. We have customizable templates below for registration numbers and boat name and hail port decals.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Connecticut can be found on the Connecticut DMV website.
Delaware boat registration laws can be found in Title 23 Chapter 21 of the Delaware Code. Registration numbers are required to be displayed on all motorized vessels. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Vessels owned by the state
- Vessels from another country that are temporarily using the waters of the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are required to display numbers must paint or attach them (with stickers or decals) on the forward half of the bow. The state does not outline the specifics, but it can be assumed that characters must be block letters at least three inches in height that contrast the background color of the boat. It is assumed that a hyphen or space must be placed between the letter and number groupings of the registration number:
DL 1234 AB or DL–1234–AB
There is no mention of registration decals in state law or on the state boating website, but it can be assumed that decals are provided for by the state. The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to the vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create attachable numbering in accordance with boat registration laws in Delaware. We have also included a template for creating a hailing port and boat name for those vessels that are registered with the U.S. Coast Guard.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife website.
Florida boating regulations are outlined in section 328.48 of the 2016 Florida Statutes. All motorized vessels must be registered through your local tax collector’s office. Vessels that are exempt from registering include:
- Non-motor powered vessels less than 16 feet
- Non-motorized canoes, kayaks, racing shells, and rowing sculls
- Vessels that are stored, used, or operated on private lakes and ponds
Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must also obtain a state registration number and display the validation decal on the port side of the vessel along with boat name and hailing port designation. State registration numbers do not need to be displayed on boats registered with the U.S. Coast Guard (state validation stickers are required to be displayed). We’ve included a customizable boat name and hailing port template below that meets the USCG standards.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Vessels that are required to register and display numbers must paint or attach numbers (using stickers or decals) on each side of the forward half of the vessel in such position as to provide clear legibility for identification, except, if the vessel is an airboat, the numbers may be placed on each side of the rudder. The numbers awarded to the vessel shall read from left to right and shall be in block characters of good proportion not less than 3 inches in height.
Numbers and letters within the registration number are to be separated by a hyphen or space of equal distance:
FL 1234 AB or FL–1234–AB
The decal issued to an undocumented vessel shall be displayed by affixing it to the port side of the vessel within 6 inches before or after the registration number. The state does provide the decal, but does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable templates to create registration numbers in accordance to Florida requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat in Florida can be found on Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website.
Laws regarding Georgia boat registration can be found in § 52-7 of the 2015 Georgia Code. All motorized vessels are required to register with the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- Sailboats less than 12 feet in length
- Vessels used exclusively on private ponds or lakes
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Vessels exclusively used for racing
As is common among boat registration laws, numbers must be displayed on the forward half of the vessel. The identification number must be comprised of three-inch (no less) in height and one inch apart. It can be assumed that a hyphen or a space is needed between prefix letters and numerals and between the numbers and suffix letters as seen below.
GA 1234 AB or GA–1234–AB
If the vessel’s design would not allow the number to be visible on the forward half of the bow, then the number can be attached to a backing plate, which should be attached to the forward half of the vessel.
Registration decals must be applied to each side of the bow before the prefix letters. The state will provide you with a registration decal upon registering. However, the state does not offer free or paid registration numbers to adhere to your vessel. We have provided customizable templates below to create registration numbers to adhere to your boat. We’ve also included a customizable hailing port and boat name template for those vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Georgia can be found on the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ website.
Hawaii boat registration requirements are explained on the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation website. All motorized, undocumented vessels must be registered with the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Boats that are manually propelled
- Vessels propelled only by sail that are eight feet in length or less
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Foreign vessels and vessels from another state in Hawaii waters for less than 60 consecutive days
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are required to register must paint or display (using decals or stickers) registration numbers on each side of the forward half of the vessel, reading from left to right. The numbers and letters must be at least three inches in height and in block characters (slanted or scripted numbers are not acceptable). The color of the number must contrast with the background of the boat. Numeral and letter groups of the registration number must be separated by a hyphen or a space of equal distance.
HA 1234 AB or HA–1234–AB
Registration decals (provided by the state) must be displayed along with registration numbers on the forward half of the bow. The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to display on your vessel. We have included customizable templates to create registration numbers in accordance to Hawaii requirements. We have also included a boat name and hailing port template for those vessels that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on Hawaii boat registration can be found on the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation website.
Idaho boat registration laws are set forth in the 2016 Idaho Statutes. Sections 67-7008 and 67-7009 outline the requirements and exemptions for the numbering of vessels. All motorized watercraft must be registered with the state. Vessels that are exempt from registering include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- Float tubes
- A vessel’s lifeboat
- Vessel’s owned and operated by the United States
- A vessel from another country using the waters of the state for less than 61 days
Vessels that are required to paint or display numbers (using decals or stickers) must do so on the forward half of the vessel. The state does not explicitly outline height requirements, but it can be assumed that numbers and letters must be at least three inches in height in block characters, with the color contrasting the background of the boat. Numbers and letters must be separated by a hyphen or space of equal distance, as seen below.
ID 1234 AB or ID–1234–AB
Validation stickers (provided by the state) must be attached to each side of the bow of the ship. The state does not specify proximity to registration numbers, but it is assumed that decals must be within three inches of and in line with the displayed registration number.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers that meet Idaho requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Idaho can be found on the Idaho Parks and Recreation website.
Illinois boating registration laws can be found in the Illinois Boat Registration and Safety Act (found in 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 45). The law states that, “Every watercraft other than non-powered watercraft on waters within the jurisdiction of this State shall be numbered.” The numbers shall be displayed on each side of the bow of the vessel.
Non-motorized watercraft are required to have a water usage stamp, which must be applied to the vessel for use on waters of the state.
Registration numbers adhered to the vessel must be at least 3 inches in height and be read from left to right. “In affixing the number to the boat, a space or a hyphen shall be provided between the IL and the number and another space or hyphen between the number and the letters which follow.”
IL 1234 AB or IL–1234–AB
The state of Illinois does not provide free or paid boat lettering templates or decals. We have included customizable templates below for boat lettering and boat decals (not registration stickers – these are only provided by the state) according to the requirements set forth by Illinois law.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on how to register your boat can be found on the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website.
Indiana boat registration laws can be found in the 2016 Indiana Code. Section 9-31-3 outlines registration requirements and exemptions for the state. All sailboats and motorboats must register with the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized boats
- Canoes, rowboats, paddleboats
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Watercraft registered in another state that has been in Indiana for less than 60 consecutive days
- Watercraft moored in the Indiana portion of Lake Michigan for no more than 180 consecutive days
Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard are not mentioned in the state law. It is assumed that they do not need to be registered with the state.
Required vessels must paint or attach (using decals or stickers) registration numbers in a clearly visible and legible position on the vessel. The state does not specify the exact location, but it can be assumed that registration numbers must be placed on the forward half of the bow. Though not specifically stated in the law, it is assumed (based off of common boat laws) that registration numbers are to be displayed with the number and letter groupings separated by a hyphen or a space of equal distance (one letter space – excluding the letter ‘i’). An example of this can be seen below.
IN 1234 AB or IN–1234–AB
Registration decals (provided for by the state) must be on the forward half of the bow near registration numbers. The state does not explicitly state where decals are to be placed, but it is assumed that they must be placed within three inches of and in line with the registration number.
Indiana does not provide free or paid registration numbers to adhere to your vessel. We have included customizable templates to create numbers and letters according to Indiana boat registration requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles website.
Iowa boat registration laws are located in section 571-38 the 2016 Iowa Administrative Code. The state requires watercraft to be registered through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Vessels that do not need to be included:
- Inflatable vessels that are 7 feet or less in length
- Non-motorized canoes and kayaks that are 13 feet or less in length
Registration numbers must be painted or adhered (using decals) on both sides of the forward half of the vessel and read from left to right. The registration number must be in block characters that are 3 inches in height or more. The color of the number must contrast with the color of the background of the boat. Registration numbers must be displayed with a hyphen or a space of equal distance between number and letter groups, as follows:
IA 1234 AB or IA–1234–AB
Vessels that are propelled by sail can have the number placed on each side of the bow or deck on each side of the mast or boom.
The registration emblem (decal) provided by the state needs to be adhered 4 inches from the registration number on either side of the bow. The emblem will be placed 4 inches behind the number on the port side and 4 inches in front of the number on the starboard side of the vessel. Registration certificates must also be kept onboard the vessel.
The state does not explain whether or not it is necessary to register your vessel with the U.S. Coast Guard. It can be assumed that it is an optional process and is not required within Iowa.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources does not provide free or paid numbers to place on your vessel. It is the responsibility of the vessel’s owner to purchase an identification number to place on the hull. We have included customizable templates below to create identification numbers and decorative decals and boat names in line with Iowa boat registration laws.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat in Iowa can be found on the Iowa DNR website.
Kansas boat registration laws are outlined in section 32-11 of the 2014 Kansas Statutes. Registration numbers must be displayed on the forward top half of the boat. Numbers need to be at least three inches in height and be block characters, with the color contrasting with the background color of the boat.
Registration number must have hyphens or spaces (the width of one letter – excluding “i”) between the number and lettering groupings, as such:
KA 1234 AB or KA–1234–AB
Registration decals (provided for by the state) are to be displayed three inches aft of the registration number. Sailboards should have decals attached to the front half of the top of the vessel.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- All non-motorized watercraft and those that do not have sails
- A ships lifeboat
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard do not need to be registered within the state
It is not required for your vessel to be registered with the U.S. Coast Guard, nor is it a requirement to display a hailing port or boat name.
The state does not provide free or paid templates for registration number decals. We have included customizable templates that meet the Kansas requirements for displaying registration numbers.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism website.
Kentucky boat registration laws are outlined in chapter 235 of the 2016 Kentucky Revised Statutes. Like with most states, Kentucky requires the displaying of the registration number on both sides of the forward half of the vessel.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include a ship’s lifeboat and vessels that are not motorized. In general, all motorized vessels must be registered through the county clerk’s office.
Numbers can be painted on or attached using decals. They must be block letters that are three inches in height or more and read from left to right. Spaces – equal to the width of a letter besides “I” – must be placed between the letter and number groupings. The color of registration numbers must contrast the color of the background of the boat. An example of the formatting can be seen below.
KY 1234 AB
Kentucky law does not mention the necessity for registering with the U.S. Coast Guard, so it is assumed that it is not required. As such, boat names and hailing port identification are optional. The state provides yearly registration decals. The state does not provide free or paid templates or options for registration number stickers. We have included customizable templates below of registration numbers that meet the criteria set forth by Kentucky law.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on Kentucky boat registration can be found on the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources website.
Louisiana boat registration laws are outlined in §851.20 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. The law states that:
“The owner shall paint on or attach to each side of the bow of the motorboat or sailboat the certificate of number in such manner as may be prescribed by rules and regulations of the department in order that it may be clearly visible. The number on the motorboat or sailboat shall be maintained in legible condition.”
Though it is not explicitly stated, it can be assumed that registration numbers must be in block letters that are at least 3 inches in height reading from left to right. Registration numbers must contrast the color of the boat and be displayed with a hyphen or a space (the width of a letter – excluding “i”). Here is an example of how it should be written:
LA 1234 AB or LA–1234–AB
Registration numbers are required for all personal watercraft, including vessels smaller than 16 feet in length. Homemade boats must also be inspected and approved by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for registration.
In addition to the registration number, a decal will be issued that must be permanently attached to the motorboat or sailboat. This decal must be accessible for inspection at all times when the boat is in operation.
If your boat is used on open sea water, a hailing port identification will need to be declared on the hull of your boat. The Code of Federal Regulations states that “… the name of the vessel must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the port and starboard bow and the stern of the vessel. The hailing port of the vessel must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the stern of the vessel.” Following the Code of Federal Regulations will satisfy the Coast Guard requirements. We’ve included a customizable template below for creating a boat name and hailing port for your vessel in accordance with the Coast Guard requirements.
Click template to begin customizing.
For vessels with square bows, the name must be clearly identified on the bow. The name and hailing port must also be marked on the stern of the ship.
The state does not provide free or paid boat lettering or decals. We have included customizable templates below for creating registration numbers and decals for your vessel that meet requirements of the state.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat in Louisiana can be found on the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website.
Maine boat registration requirements are listed on the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (IFW) website. All motorboats of any size must be registered within the state. Exceptions to this include:
- Non-motorized canoes and kayaks
- Vessels owned by the U.S. Government
- Watercraft with a valid registration from another state that has been in Maine for less than 60 consecutive days
- Motorboats from another country which are not in Maine for over 60 consecutive days
- Motorboats used exclusively for racing purposes that displays a valid boat number issued by the racing association
The state does not mention if vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must be registered within the state. We’ve included a customizable template for a boat name and hailing port according to the standards outlined by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Click template to begin customizing.
According to the Maine IFW website registration numbers must be painted or attached (using decals) to the forward half of the bow in block characters that are at least three inches in height. The color of the numbers must contrast the background of the boat. Maine registration numbers can be displayed in a two different combinations of number and letter groupings with a space (one letter width – excluding “i”) between each grouping, as seen below. Registration numbers will have the state identification (ME) with either two numbers and three letters or four numbers with one letter.
ME 12ABC or ME 1234A
Registration decals are not mentioned on the Maine IFW website, so it is assumed that such decals are provided for by the state and required to be attached on both sides of the bow near the registration number. It is required for all vessels used on inland waters to display a Lake and River Protection Sticker, which is only provided for by the state.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to display on your boat. We have included customizable templates below that meet state requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Maryland boat registration laws are found in the 2016 Code of Maryland. Displaying registration numbers is outlined in §8–712 of the code. Numbers must be displayed on all vessels that are equipped with a motor for propulsion.
Vessels that do not need to be registered are:
- Those that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- A ship’s lifeboat
- Vessels only propelled by sail
- Vessels that are manually propelled
Registration numbers either painted or displayed on the boat using decals must be block letters, three inches in height or more. Numbers must be placed as high above the waterline as possible on both sides of the forward half of the bow. Letters will be separated by hyphens or spaces.
MD 1234 AB or MD–1234–AB
Validation stickers (registration decals) are to be placed in line and within three inches of the displayed registration number.
Vessels that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must display the appropriate documented use decals (provided after inspection by the Maryland Natural Resources Police). As per the U.S. Coast Guard, boat name and hailing port must be displayed clearly on a visible, exterior part of the hull. We have included customizable boat name and hailing port template below.
The state does not provide free or paid number templates for registration numbers. We have included customizable templates below to create displayable registration numbers for your vessel. Our templates meet Maryland boat registration requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
Massachusetts boat registration laws are found in the Massachusetts General Laws. Chapter 90B Section 3 outlines the necessity for displaying registration numbers on vessels. All motorized watercraft must be registered through the Massachusetts Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- A boat owned in a country other than the United States that is using the waters of the commonwealth temporarily
- A vessel that is numbered in accordance with the numbering system of another state and that has not been within the commonwealth for more than 60 consecutive days
- A ship’s lifeboat
Required vessels must have numbers painted or displayed using stickers on both sides of the forward half of the bow. Numbers must be block characters three inches in height or more that contrast with the background of the boat. It is assumed that registration numbers must be displayed with the number and letter groupings separated by a hyphen or a space or equal distance, as follows:
MS 1234 AB or MS–1234–AB
Registration decals (provided by the state) must be placed in line with and three inches towards the stern from the displayed registration numbers on the port side of the vessel.
The state does not outline regulations regarding vessels registered through the U.S. Coast Guard, but due to Coast Guard regulations, commercial fishing and trading vessels weighing over five net tons must register with the USCG. We’ve included a hailing port and boat name template in accordance with the USCG regulations.
The state does not provide free or paid templates to use for creating adherable registration numbers. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers that meet the criteria set forth by Massachusetts boating registration laws.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Michigan boat registration laws are set forth in Section 324.80124 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Registration and numbering are required for all motorized vessels, and vessels that are 16 feet or longer. Those that do not need to be registered include:
- Watercraft 16 feet or shorter that are propelled by oars or paddles, and not used for rental or commercial purposes
- Non-motorized canoes and kayaks not used for rental or commercial purposes
- Rafts, surfboards, sailboards, swim floats
- Vessels registered in another state that temporarily use the waters of the state
- Vessels owned and operated by the U.S. Government
Watercraft that are registered must display registration numbers on the forward half of each side of the bow in block, bold letters that are no less than three inches in height. Numbers must be placed as high above the waterline as possible. The color of the letters must contrast the color of the boat. Number and letter groups are to be separated by hyphens or an equal space, as seen below:
MC 1234 AB or MC–1234–AB
Validation decals are to be placed three inches to the right of the last letter in the registration number. The state provides validation decals upon registering your vessel. However, the state does not offer free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have provided customizable templates below that meet the criteria set forth by Michigan boat registration standards. We have also included a customizable boat name and hailing port template (for vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard) in accordance to the U.S. Coast Guard standards.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Michigan can be found on the Michigan Department of Natural Resources website.
Minnesota boat registration laws are set forth in the 2016 Minnesota Statutes. The display of registration numbers can be found in section 86B.301 of the statutes. As with most states, Minnesota requires numbers to be displayed on both sides of the forward half of the bow of motorized watercraft.
Watercraft that do not need to be registered include:
- Non motorized watercraft that are ten feet in length or less
- Vessels registered in another state that have been in Minnesota for 60 days or less
- Rice boats during harvest season
- Waterfowl boats during hunting season
- A seaplane
- Watercraft that have been issued valid marine documents by the U.S. government
- Vessels registered with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Watercraft issued valid licensing from a federally recognized Indian tribe
Registration numbers must be displayed in block letters that are three inches in height or more. The color of the numbers must contrast with the background of the boat. Number and letter groupings of the registration number must be separated by a space of a letter (excluding ‘i’), as seen below.
MN 1234 AB
Registration decals provided for by the state must be displayed four inches away from the registration numbers towards the stern.
The state does not provide free or paid templates for registration numbers or decorative decals. We included customizable templates below to create registration numbers to attach to your vessel. Templates are in accordance with Minnesota boating laws and the U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boating laws can be found on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Website.
Mississippi boat registration laws are located in Title 59 Chapter 21 of the 2015 Mississippi Code. Registration is required for all motorized vessels and sailboats that are not documented with the U.S. Coast Guard. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Watercraft used specifically for racing
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Foreign vessels temporarily in Mississippi waters
- A ship’s lifeboat(s)
Registration numbers are to be displayed on both sides of the forward half of the vessel in block letters that are three inches in height or larger. Numbers should be divided into three parts, consisting of the symbol MI, followed by a numeric group of no more than 4 numbers, than a group of letters (no more than two). Each group will be separated by a hyphen or a space. An example can be found below.
MI 1234 AB or MI-1234-AB
Registration decals (provided for by the state) are to be displayed within six inches of the registration numbers on both sides of the forward half of the bow.
Mississippi does not provide free or paid templates to use for registration number stickers. We have included templates below that meet the standards as outlined above for registration numbers in the state. We’ve also included a hailing port and boat name template in accordance to the USCG regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boating registration can be found on the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks website.
Missouri boat registration law are detailed in the 2017 Missouri Code of State Regulations. Section 10-23.270 outlines the necessity for displaying registration numbers on watercraft. Boat registration numbers are referred to as “MO” numbers and are to be attached to the forward half of the vessel so that it is clearly visible. Numbers must be in block letters and no less than three inches in height. The MO number must contrast with the background of the vessel.
The number is divided into three parts, comprised of the MO characters, followed by four numbers, then followed by two letters. A two-inch space or hyphen will separate each part of the registration number.
MO 1234 AB or MO–1234–AB
The registration decal (also known as the renewal decal) is to be placed on both sides of the vessel directly underneath the MO number and above the waterline so that it is clearly visible.
Boats that do not need to be registered within Missouri include:
- Boats propelled only by paddle or oars, regardless of length
- Vessels owned by out-of-state residents that are in Missouri for less than 60 consecutive days
- Sailboats and sailboards that are 12 feet in length or less
- A ship’s lifeboat used only for lifesaving purposes
- Vessels owned by the U.S. Government
- Vessels from a country other than the U.S. that are using the waters of Missouri for less than 60 consecutive days
Vessels that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard do not need to be titled, but they must registered. Documented vessels must have the hailing port and boat name displayed.
The state does not provide free or paid numbers for you to attach on your vessel. We have included customizable templates for to create registration numbers that meet the regulations outlined by the Missouri law.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat can be found on the Missouri Department of Revenue website.
Montana boat registration laws are explained in the 2015 Montana Code Annotated. The requirement for displaying registration is found in section 23-2-512. Registration numbers (referred to as an identifying number) must be displayed on all sailboats that are 12 feet or longer, motorboats, and personal watercraft.
Boats that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized sailboats that are less than 12 feet long and all manually propelled boats, regardless of length.
- A vessel from a country other than the U.S. that is temporarily using the waters of the state
- A vessel owned by the U.S. Government
- A ship’s lifeboat
The state does not mention if boats documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must be registered with the state.
Required vessels must display registration numbers on each side of the forward half of the bow in block letters that are at least three inches in height. Colors of the letters must contrast with the color of the boat. Numbers are to be displayed with hyphens or spaces separating the letter/number groups (as seen below).
MT 1234 AB or MT–1234–AB
Boat validation decals (provided for by the state) are to displayed on each side of the bow towards the aft. Along with validation decals, a permanent registration decal must be displayed on the port side bow behind the boat’s number.
The state does not provide free of paid registration (identifying) numbers for display on your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create numbers (according to Montana state laws) that you can adhere to your vessel.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in Montana can be found on the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, & Parks website.
Nebraska boat registration laws are detailed in the Nebraska Revised Statutes. Section 37-1211 sets forth the requirements for displaying registration numbers on your vessel. All vessels that are propelled using a motor or mechanical device over public and private waters of the state must be registered.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Vessels not powered by gas, diesel, or electric engines
- Vessels documented by the U.S. Coast Guard
- Vessels owned by the government
- Motorboats used for racing when competing in a state-approved race (48 hours prior to and after competition)
- Vessels from another country that are temporarily using the waters of the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are required to display numbers must do so on both sides of the forward half of the bow. The registration numbers are to be placed after the validation sticker. They must be in block characters that are no less than three inches in height in a contrasting color to the boat. Numbers must be visible up to 100 feet away. Number and letter groupings in the registration number must be separated by a hyphen or a space of equal width.
An example of what the registration number would look like is:
NB 1234 AB or NB–1234–AB.
The state provides the validation sticker for the boat once registered. Displayable registration numbers are not offered by the state and must be purchased by the owner. We have provided customizable number templates below to create displayable registration numbers.
Click a template to begin customizing.
For more information on registering your vessel can be found on the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission website.
Nevada boat registration laws are found in the 2015 Nevada Revised Statutes. Section 488.965 outlines the operation of watercraft with a proper registration number displayed. All motorboats, including personal watercraft, must be numbered according to Nevada law.
Boats that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- A ship’s lifeboat
- A public vessel of the United States
- A motorboat from another country that is using Nevada waters temporarily
Registration numbers are to be displayed on both sides of the forward half of the bow of the motorboat in block characters that are three inches in height or more. The color of the numbering must contrast with the color of the boat as to make it easily visible. It is assumed that registration numbers are to be displayed with hyphens or spaces (the width of one letter – excluding ‘i’) between letter and number groupings, as follows:
NV 1234 AB or NV–1234–AB
Along with the registration number, a valid aquatic invasive species (AIS) decal must be displayed on the vessel. This is purchased through the state at the above link. This decal is required for all watercraft, including non-motorized watercraft. This decal is to be placed on the left side of the stern in a visible location.
The state does not provide options to purchase registration numbers to display on your vessel. We have included customizable templates below that meet the requirements of Nevada boat registration laws.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on Nevada boat registration laws can be found on the Nevada Department of Wildlife website.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire boat registration laws are outlined in Chapter 270-E of the New Hampshire Statutes. Registration is required for all vessels with an inboard and outboard motor. Vessels that are exempt from registration include:
- Sailboats under 12 feet in length not powered by a motor
- Rowboats, and canoes that are not powered by motors
- Vessels registered in another state or country that are temporarily using the waters for less than 30 consecutive days
- Vessels owned by the U.S. Government
It is not mentioned whether or not vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must be registered. We’ve included a hailing port and boat name template in accordance with the U.S. Coast guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Vessels that are required to register must paint, display, or attach registration numbers (also known as a bow number) to each side of the forward half of the vessel. The numbers must be block letters that are three inches in height that contrast in color from the background of the boat. Number and letter groupings must be separated by either a hyphen or a space (the width of a letter – excluding ‘i’). For example:
NH 1234 AB or NH–1234–AB
A registration decal (provided for by the state) must be displayed along with the registration number on the forward half of the bow.
The state does not provide free or paid registration number stickers or decals to adhere to your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create displayable registration numbers according to New Hampshire boat registration laws.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat can be found on the New Hampshire Department of Motor Vehicles website.
New Jersey
New Jersey boat registration laws are found in the 2016 New Jersey Revised Statutes. Sections 12:7-34.38 and 12:7-34.39 set forth the requirements for operating a motorized vessel or personal watercraft on state waters with registration numbers displayed.
Vessels that do not need to display registration numbers include:
- Sailboats or non-motorized vessels used exclusively on small lakes and ponds on private land
- Canoes or kayaks
- Sailboats and non-motorized vessels 12 feet in length or less
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Vessels used exclusively for racing that are in accordance with the Division of State Police
- A ship’s lifeboat
- Vessels owned by the United States
- Non-motorized inflatable vessels
Numbers must be displayed on each side of the bow using letters and numbers that are no less than three inches in height. The color of registration number must contrast from the color of the boat as to make the number clearly visible. Number and letter groupings within the registration number must be separated by a hyphen or space (an example can be seen below).
NJ 1234 AB or NJ–1234–AB
Registration decals (provided for by the state) are required to be displayed on both sides of the bow along with assigned registration numbers.
The state does not provide free or paid displayable registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable boat templates below that are in accordance with New Jersey boat registration laws. We’ve also included a template to create a hailing port and boat name display for your vessel in accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel can be found on the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission website.
New Mexico
New Mexico boat registration laws are found in the 2016 New Mexico Statutes. Section 66-12 contains the regulations regarding registering and numbering your vessel. Sailboats that are 10 feet in length or longer and all motorboats must be registered.
Watercraft that do not need to be registered include:
- Rafts, kayaks, or canoes that are not motorized or with a sail
- Paddlecraft
- A ship’s lifeboat
- Vessels owned by the United States
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard (must display vessel name and port of call)
Vessels that are required to be registered must have painted on or displayed registration numbers (also known as boat numbers) on both sides of the forward half of the bow in three inch block letters. The numbers must contrast with the color of the background of the boat. Registration numbers must have hyphens between the number and letter groupings.
Registration numbers should be displayed as such:
Registration validation decals (provided for by the state) are required to be displayed along side registration numbers. The decal must only be displayed on six inches to the right of the number on the port side of the vessel.
The state does not provide free registration numbers to display on your vessel. We provide customizable registration numbers below to adhere to your boat that will comply with New Mexico requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel can be found on the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department website.
New York
New York boat registration laws and requirements are found on the New York DMV website. Boats that use a motor (no matter the size of the motor or boat) must be registered with the state. Boats that are exempt from registering include:
- Watercraft without motors
- Lifeboats
- Boats registered in another state that in New York for less than 90 consecutive days
- Boats used in racing competition
Boats documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must be registered through the state; registration stickers will be provided by the state to place on the your vessel instead of registration numbers. Vessels registered with the Coast Guard must also display a boat name and a hailing port in letters that are no less than 4 inches in height on any visible portion of the boat. We’ve included a template below for creating a boat name and hailing port decal in accordance to the USCG requirements.
Click template to begin customizing.
Vessels that are required to display registration numbers must either paint or attach (using decals) on both sides of the forward half of the vessel. Registration numbers must in a block characters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the letters must contrast with the color of the boat. Registration numbers are to be displayed with hyphens or spaces (the width of a letter – excluding the letter ‘i’), as follows:
NY 1234 AB or NY–1234–AB
Registration stickers (provided for by the state) are to be placed 18 inches from the bow on both sides of the boat. The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create displayable registration numbers according to the New York requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in New York can be found in the NY DMV website.
North Carolina
North Carolina Boat registration requirements are outlined in chapter 75A of the North Carolina General Statutes. Registration numbers are required on all motorized vessels – including jet skis – used on public waters, as well as sailboats that are more than 14 feet in length.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Canoes, kayaks, rowboats that are solely powered by oars, paddles, or the current
- Vessels operating on a private pond
- A ship’s lifeboat
- Vessels registered with the U.S. Coast Guard that have been in state waters for no more than 90 consecutive days
Registration numbers must be painted or permanently affixed (using decals or stickers) to both sides of the forward half of the bow in block letters that are at least three inches in height. Characters must be in a solid color that contrasts with the background of the vessel. The numbers must read from left to right as it appears on the registration card. Letters are separated from numerals by hyphens or an equivalent space.
Displayed numbers would look like the following example:
NC 1234 AB or NC–1234–AB
The state will provide registration decals for displaying on both the port and starboard side of the vessel. These decals must be within six inches of the displayed registration number.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to affix to the bow of your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers that can be adhered to your watercraft. We have also included a customizable template for boat name and hailing port display in accordance with the U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission website.
North Dakota
North Dakota boat registration laws are set forth in Chapter 20.1-13 of the North Dakota Century Code. Registration is required for all motorboats that operate in North Dakota except:
- A ship’s lifeboat
- A motorboat owned by the United States
- A motorboat from a foreign country that is temporarily using the waters of the state
It is not stated whether or not vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must register with the state.
Registration numbers are to be displayed on required vessels on both sides of the forward half of the vessel so that they are clearly visible. The law does not specify height requirements, but it can be assumed that displayed registration numbers must be block letters at least three inches in height that contrast with the color of the boat.
We also assume that numbers should be displayed on the vessel like the following example:
ND 1234 AB or ND–1234–AB
Registration decals (also known as identification licenses) are provided for by the state and must be displayed along with the registration number, The state does not outline the specific placement requirements for these decals, but it is assumed that they should be in line with and no more than six inches away from the registration number towards the aft of the vessel.
Free or paid displayable registration numbers are not provided for by the state. We have included customizable templates below (in accordance with North Dakota law) to create registration numbers you can adhere to your watercraft.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website.
Ohio boat registration laws are detailed in the Ohio Revised Code. Sections 1547.53 and 1547.531 contain the requirements and exemptions for displaying registration numbers. All watercraft that operate on state waters must display registration numbers except for:
- canoes , rowboats, and inflatable watercraft (must apply for alternative registration)
- Kiteboards, paddleboards, belly boats (float tubes)
- Vessels documented by the U.S. Coast Guard
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
Canoes, rowboats and inflatable watercraft must display the 3”x6” decal on the port and starboard bow (provided for by the state instead of registration numbers).
Vessels that require registration numbers must display them on both sides of the forward half of the bow in block letters that are no less than three inches in height. The characters must contrast with the color of the background of the boat; they must also be in a single, solid color. A hyphen or equivalent space must be placed between the letters and numerals in this manner:
OH 1234 AB or OH–1234–AB
Registration decals (referred to as registration tags) are issued by the state when you register your vessel. These decals must be placed on either side of the vessel six inches away from the registration number and towards the stern.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers for you to display on your vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers (according to Ohio state laws). We’ve also included a customizable boat name and haling port template that meet the U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel in Ohio can be found on the Ohio State Parks & Watercraft website.
Oklahoma boat registration laws and requirements can be found on the Oklahoma Tax Commission website. All boats within the state are required to register, except:
- Non-motorized canoes and kayaks
- Paddleboats
- Vessels from another state or country that have been in the state less than 60 days in one calendar year
The state does not clarify if vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must register with the state.
Vessels that do require registration numbers must have them painted or attached to the forward half of the vessel in block letters that are no less than three inches in height. The color must contrast the color of the boat. It is assumed that number and letter groupings must be separated by a space or a hyphen, as follows:
OK 1234 AB or OK–1234–AB
Registration decals provided for by the state must be attached to both sides of the forward half of the bow in line with the registration number. Free or paid registration numbers are not provided for by the state. We have included templates to create registration numbers in accordance to Oklahoma requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Oregon boat registration laws are found in Chapter 830 of the 2015 Oregon Revised Statutes. Sections 830.770 and 830.780 outline the rules surrounding the display of registration numbers on your vessel. All motorized boats, including jet skis and personal watercraft must display registration numbers. Boats that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- Boats documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Boats marked as a livery boat
Vessels that are required to paint or display numbers must do so in block characters that are no less than three inches in height to allow for clear identification. Numbers will read from left to right and contrast in color from the background of the boat. Number and letter groups must be separated by a space of at least 2 inches (an example can be seen below).
OR 1234 AB
Registration decals (also referred to as validation stickers) must be displayed three inches away from the registration number towards the stern. The state issues these decals for display.
Free or paid boat registration numbers that can be adhered to your vessel are not provided for by the state. We have included customizable templates below to create numbers according to the Oregon requirements. Also included is a template for creating boat name and hailing port boat lettering for your vessel that meet the U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat can be found on the Oregon State Marine Board website.
Pennsylvania boat registration laws are outlined in the Pennsylvania Code. Requirements for displaying numbering on vessels is found in § 93.5 of the Code. Any boat powered by motor, vessels documented by the U.S. Coast Guard, and sailboats that use motors for auxiliary power must be registered.
Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Unpowered kayaks, canoes, rowboats, sailboats, rafts, and inflatable boats
- Out-of-state vessels using waters of the state for less than 60 consecutive days
Unpowered boats do need to be registered only if used at a Fish & Boat Commission access area or lake, or at state parks and state forests in Pennsylvania. Numbering is not required in such cases.Unpowered boats used at a Fish & Boat Commission access area or lake must have a Placement of Launch decal. These decals are only provided for by the state.
Registration numbers must be displayed on required vessels on both sides of the forward half of the bow in solid vertical block characters. Numerals and letters are to be separated by hyphens or an equivalent space. Registration numbers are displayed like the following examples:
PA 1234 AB or PA–1234–AB
A registration decal (referred to as the validation decal) must be displayed within six inches of the painted or attached registration number. The state will provide these decals to adhere to your vessel.
The state does not offer free displayable registration numbers for your vessel. We have included customizable templates below that meet the requirements for Pennsylvania and a template for creating a boat name with a hailing port (according to the USCG requirements).
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat in Pennsylvania can be found on the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission website.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island boat registration laws are found in the Rhode Island General Laws. Requirements for numbering motorboats is found in § 46-22-4 and § 46-22-6 of the General Laws. The displaying of registration numbers is required for all motorized watercraft. Vessels that are exempt include:
- A canoe
- Rowboats that are 12 feet in length or less
- A ship’s lifeboat
- A ferry
- Motorboats that are owned by the United States
- Vessels from another country that are temporarily using the waters of the state
It is not clear whether or not vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard must be registered with the state.
Motorized watercraft that are required to display numbers must do so on the forward half of the bow. Specific requirements are not mentioned in the law, but it can be assumed that numbers must be in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. They must be a single, solid color that contrasts with the background of the boat. It is also assumed that number and letter groups must be separated by a space or a hyphen, as follows:
RI 1234 AB or RI–1234–AB
It is not mentioned in state law or on the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) website whether or not registration decals are provided by the state. The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable registration numbers that meet state requirements a customizable template to create boat name and hailing port lettering in accordance to the U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration laws can be found on the Rhode Island DEM website.
South Carolina
South Carolina boat registration laws are explained in the 2016 South Carolina Code of Laws. Section 50-23-310 is where the requirements for numbering vessels are outlined. All watercraft are required to be registered and titled except the following:
- Vessels documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- Wind surfers
- Watercraft propelled solely by human power using oars or paddles
- Outboard motors with less than 5 horsepower are not required to be titled
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Vessels owned by the United States
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are required to display numbers must do so on the forward half of the vessel. The law does not outline the specific height requirements, but it can be assumed that they must be at least three inches in height in block characters of a solid color, contrasting from the color of the boat. It is also assumed that registration numbers must have hyphens or spaces placed between the letter and number groups, as follows:
SC 1234 AB or SC–1234–AB
The state will provide registration decals that are to be attached on each side of the bow within six inches of the displayed registration number.
Free or paid registration numbers that can be adhered to your boat are not provided for by the state. We have included below customizable templates to create displayable registration numbers according to the guidelines of the state and a template to create a a boat name and hailing port according to USCG regulations.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources website.
South Dakota
South Dakota boat registration laws are located in Chapter 32-3A of the South Dakota Codified Law. Registration numbers must be displayed on all motorized vessels. All non-motorized vessels that are over 12 feet in length must display validation stickers, but registration numbers are optional for these types of vessels. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels that are less than 12 feet in length
- A racing boat competing in a boat race approved by the state government
- Boats owned by the U.S. Government
- Boats with a temporary license owned or operated by a person participating in a fishing tournament that has been permitted by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks
Required vessels must display registration numbers on both sides of the forward half of the bow in characters that are no less than three inches in height. Numbers must be in block characters and a solid color that contrasts the background color of the boat. Numbers are to be read from left to right, with a space between the letter and number groupings.
For example:
SD 1234 AB
Along with the registration number, a registration decal (also known as a validation decal) is to be displayed on the bow of the ship, next to and in line with the numbers. The validation decal is only provided for by the state and can not be created by the owner.
The state does not offer the ability to purchase registration numbers to adhere to your vessel. We have provided customizable templates below to create displayable registration numbers in accordance with South Dakota standards.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel can be found on the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks website.
Tennessee boat registration laws are found in the 2015 Tennessee Code. Section 69-9-206 outlines the regulations and exemptions for displaying registration numbers on your vessel. All vessels propelled by machinery or sail must register within the state. Vessels that are exempt from registering include:
- Non-motorized vessels that are propelled solely by oar or paddle
- Vessels owned and operated by the U.S. Government
- Vessels from another state using the waters of Tennessee for less than 60 consecutive days
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are exempt from registering must display identification by name on the vessel.
Vessels that are required to paint or display (using stickers or decals) registration numbers must do so on the forward half of the bow in block letters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the registration number must contrast the color of the boat. Numbers and letters within the registration number are to be separated by a hyphen or an equal space.
TN 1234 AB or TN–1234–AB
Registration decals are not mentioned in the law, but it is assumed that they are provided for by the state. Such decals must be adhered to the forward half of the bow and in line with displayed registration numbers.
Displayable registration numbers are not provided for free or by paying the state. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers that meet the requirements of Tennessee.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat in Tennessee can be found on the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website.
Texas boat registration laws are found in the 2015 Texas Statutes. The Parks and Wildlife Code within the statutes contains regulations on boating and boat registration. Section 31.021 sets forth that all motorized vessels and sailboats 14 feet in length or more need to be registered and numbered. Vessels that are exempt from numbering include:
- Non-motorized canoes, kayaks, rowboats, punts, rubber rafts
- Vessels under 14 feet in length when solely propelled by paddles or oars
- Vessels used in water ski competitions, tournaments, or exhibitions that have been approved by the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
- Vessels from another country that temporarily use the waters of the state
- Vessels owned by the United States
Vessels that are required to display numbering (known as the TX Number) shall do so on the forward half of the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. Numbers must contrast the color of the boat. Numerals are separated from letters by hyphens or an equivalent space. Examples of displayed numbers can be seen below.
TX 1234 AB or TX–1234–AB
Validation decals (provided for by the state) are to be displayed within three inches towards the rear of the boat away from the registration number.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers for you to adhere on your vessel. We have included templates below to create registration numbers in accordance to Texas laws. We’ve also included a customizable hailing port and boat name template in accordance with the Coast Guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your boat can be found on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website.
Utah boat registration laws can be found in Title 73-18-7 of the Utah Code. Registration numbers must be displayed on all watercraft that have an onboard motor or sail, including motorized boats, canoes, sailboats, and jet skis.
Vessels that are exempt from registering include:
- Non-motorized canoes and kayaks
- Vessels not propelled by a motor or sail
- Out-of-state vessels using the waters of Utah for less than 60 consecutive days
- Vessels owned by the United States
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard are exempt from the numbering requirements of the state but must be registered with the state and display proper hailing port and boat name.
Registration numbers must be painted on or attached (using decals or stickers) to the forward half of the vessels on the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the registration number must contrast with the background of the boat. Numeral and lettering groups are to be separated by a hyphen or equal space, as follows:
UT 1234 AB or UT–1234–AB
The state does not provide free or paid templates for boat registration numbers. We have included customizable boat lettering templates below.
Click a template to begin customizing.
Registration information is also available on the Utah State Parks and Utah DMV websites.
Vermont boat registration requirements are set forth in Title 23 Chapter 29 of the Vermont Statutes. The state requires registration for all motorboats operating on the waters of the state, except for:
- A ship’s lifeboat
- A motorboat from another country that has operated in the state for less than 90 days
- Vessels registered under New Hampshire laws for operating on waters within Vermont – only on parts of the Connecticut river and impoundments of the river
Vessels that do require registration must display registration number on both sides of the forward half of the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the character values must contrast with the background of the boat. Though not mentioned in law, it is assumed that number and letter groupings must be separated by a hyphen or equal space.
VT 1234 AB or VT–1234–AB
A validation sticker must be attached to the forward half of the vessel near the displayed registration numbers. The state provides the validation sticker but not free or paid registration numbers that can be adhered to the vessel. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers to adhere to your vessel in accordance with Vermont boating requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration in can be found on the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles website.
Virginia boat registration laws are set forth in the 2016 Code of Virginia. Sections 29.1-703 and 29.1-710 explain the requirements and exemptions for displaying registration numbers on vessels. Registration and numbering is required for all motorboats in the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized watercraft, including canoes, kayaks, and rafts
- Motorboats that have been documented with the U.S. Coast Guard
- A ship’s lifeboat
- A motorboat from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Motorboats owned and operated by the U.S. Government
Generally, if the vessel is powered by any type of motor it must be registered. Vessels that are registered must paint or attach (using stickers or decals) registration numbers on the forward half of the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the characters must contrast the color of the boat. It is assumed that registration numbers must include hyphens or spaces between the letter and number groupings, like such:
VA 1234 AB or VA–1234–AB
Registration decals must be displayed within six inches of the attached or painted registration numbers. The state will provide registration decals but will not offer free or paid registration numbers to place on your vessel. We have included customizable templates that meet the requirements for registration numbers for your boat in Virginia as well as a customizable hailing port and boat name template that meets the USCG requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries website.
Washington boat registration laws are outlined in the Revised Code of Washington. The requirements and exemptions for registering and numbering vessels can be found in sections 88.02.550 and 88.02.570. All sailboats and motorized watercraft must be registered in Washington. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Canoes, kayaks, or vessels that are not powered by motor or sail
- Vessels that are less than 16 feet in length with a motor of 10 horsepower or less used on non-federal waters only
- Vessels owned by the United States
- Vessels registered in another state that have been in Washington for less than 60 days
Vessels that are required to register must paint or attach (using decals or stickers) registration numbers (also known as the WN number) on the forward half of the bow in block characters of a solid color that contrasts the color of the boat. The characters must be no less than three inches in height. A hyphen or equivalent space must be placed between numeral and letter groupings. For example:
WN 1234 AB or WN–1234–AB
Registration decals are to be placed within six inches of and in line with the registration number towards the stern. Decals must be placed on both sides of the bow. The state will provide the registration decal, but free or paid displayable registration numbers are not offered by the state.
We have included customizable templates below that meet the Washington boat registration requirements as well as a hailing port and boat name template that meets the U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on boat registration can be found on the Washington State Department of Licensing website.
West Virginia
West Virginia boat registration laws are set forth in the West Virginia Code. Requirements and exemptions for boat registration and numbering are found in §20-7-12 and §20-7-14 of the Code. All vessels propelled by an electrical, diesel, gas, steam or other fuel must be registered in the state. Vessels that do not need to be registered include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- Vessels from another country that temporarily use the waters of the state
- Vessels covered by a number which has been given according to federal law
Required vessels must paint or display (using stickers or decals) a registration number on both sides of the forward half of the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. The color of the characters must contrast with the background of the boat. The vessel registration number will consist of three parts, with each part separated by a space equal to the width of a letter (excluding ‘i’). An example of how the number is displayed can be seen below.
WV 1234 AB
The registration number is to be accompanied by a registration decal (provided for by the state). The decal must be placed in line with and within six inches of the number.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to display on your vessel. We have included templates below that are in accordance with the West Virginia requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel in West Virginia can be found in the Synopsis of West Virginia Boating Rules and Regulations.
Wisconsin boat registration laws are found in the 2016 Wisconsin Statutes. Section 30.523 explains the requirements for registering and displaying numbers on your vessel. All motorized vessels and sailboats must be registered with the state. Vessels that are exempt from registration and numbering requirements are outlined in Section 30.51. These vessels include:
- Manually propelled vessels without a motor
- Sailboats that are 12 feet in length or less without a motor
- Sailboards
- Vessels registered in another state using Wisconsin waters for less than 60 days
- Vessels from another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Vessels owned and operated by the U.S. Government
- A ship’s lifeboat
Vessels that are required to register must display numbers on the forward half of the bow in block characters that are no less than three inches in height. These characters must not be in a decorative fonts or colors that cannot be easily seen against the background of the boat. The numeral and letter groupings of the registration number are to be separated by a space of two inches. An example of the displayed number is below:
WS 1234 AB
Registration decals (provided for by the state) must be displayed in line with the registration number on both sides of the bow, towards the stern.
The state does not provide free or paid registration numbers to attach to your vessel. We have included customizable templates to create numbers that can adhere to your vessel in accordance with Wisconsin requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information about boat registration in Wisconsin can be found on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Website.
Wyoming boat registration laws are outlined in the 2016 Wyoming Code. Sections 41-13-102 and 41-13-103 contain information on registration and numbering requirements and exemptions. All vessels propelled by a motor must be registered. Vessels that are exempt from registering include:
- Non-motorized vessels
- Vessels owned by another country temporarily using the waters of the state
- Vessels owned and operated by the U.S. Government
Vessels that are required to paint or display (using stickers or decals) registration numbers must do so on the forward half of the bow of the ship in plain, block, vertical letters that are no less than three inches in height. Numbers and numerals are to be separated with a hyphen or a space of equal width, as follows:
Registration decals (provided for by the state) must be displayed on both sides of the bow of the ship and in line with the registration number.
Free or paid displayable registration numbers are not offered by the state. We have included customizable templates below to create registration numbers in accordance with Wyoming boating requirements.
Click a template to begin customizing.
More information on registering your vessel can be found on the Wyoming Fish and Game Department website.