Can Yard Signs Influence Elections? Breaking down the Impact of Political Yard Signs
Do Political Yard Signs Work?
As soon as people catch a whiff of election season, volunteers and individuals start putting up signs bearing the names of whom they are supporting. But do these political yard signs really work?
If you’re looking for a quick answer, that would be a yes, and there’s proof. In a 2015 study led by Columbia University professor Donald Green, they found that political signs recorded somewhere between 1% and 2% on average — a number that while doesn’t seem staggering could be the deciding factor that sways voters to pick a candidate and participate in the election. Green and his team conducted an experiment by working with four different candidates — they found that there is an increase in local advertising after they randomly planted campaign yard signs around the candidates’ precincts.
In another study, political scientist Duane Bratt and pollster Janet Brown found that a candidate that the more yard signs are put up, the better the chances of a candidate winning an election as a proliferation of signs could tell locals who is in the running. It is worth noting though that Bratt and Brown conducted their study in select urban neighborhoods in Canada and does not represent yard signs’ impact to voters in rural areas. Nevertheless, these signs help people who don’t follow elections closely form their own opinions about the candidates.
Of course, the debate whether signs are effective still exists — some seasoned campaigners believe that yard signs aren’t the best investment. And with the pervasiveness of the internet and digital marketing, there are those who prefer to promote their candidates through online channels such as social media. However, Costas Panagopoulos, a Fordham University professor, found through an experiment that non-partisan signs saying “Vote Tomorrow” had a higher voter turnout in places where they were installed. Panagopoulos also believes that while election results are affected by several factors, mobilizing people to vote through yard signs can trigger change and affect the results of local elections.

4 Ways Political Yard Signs Impact Positive Results
Yard signs are some of the most hardworking materials you can include in your promotion’s arsenal. We list four areas where custom yard signs can help boost your candidate or advocacy, making these signs an indispensable tool in your PR materials.
- Amplify name recognition. Yard signs may be static as they can only be seen where you install them, but they do just as well as other printed materials when it comes to amplifying a candidate’s visibility. When planted strategically, yard signs can spread the word about your candidate just as well as another ad, whether it’s on your lawn or in public medians. Putting up your signs in high-traffic areas exposes them to passersby and increases the public’s awareness about your favored candidate.
- Boost local advertising. Yard signs make it easier for local candidates to introduce themselves to their constituents, raise awareness about their campaign, and persuade voters.
- Build social proof and supporter engagement. A lot of undecided voters look to others as they go through their options and form opinions on candidates. Yard signs allow you the opportunity to influence people in your community to consider your candidate and to approach you when they want to learn more about the campaign.
- Stay within your budget. Since they’re fairly inexpensive, yard signs won’t cause too much of a dent on your budget and still generate plenty of traction and interest. Whether you’re an individual showing support for your candidate or you’re a part of a volunteer group that’s looking for affordable yard signs to bolster your campaign, yard signs are a cost-effective and practical means to engage people.
Your campaign and political sign is only as good as how well you prepare your materials. Get ahead by planning your political signs in advance — from finding suppliers, crafting your messaging, and creating the design. At, we make it easier for you to support your favored candidates and advocacies with our customizable yard sign templates, durable sign materials, high-quality printing, and fast turnaround times. Get started on your signs today or reach out to us with your inquiries at 1-888-222-4929 or 801-441-3400. Talk soon!
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